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Listening to your Heart…

The heart, our most vital organ, can sometimes send distress signals that go unnoticed. Silent heart attacks, or silent myocardial…

Warning Signs of Cardiac…

When it comes to the health of our children and teenagers, concerns about heart issues might not be at the…

How to Respond During…

Cardiac emergencies can happen unexpectedly, and knowing how to respond promptly and appropriately can make a significant difference in saving…

TAVR: A Lifeline for…

Medical advancements in the field of cardiovascular care have brought about a revolution, instilling hope and enhancing outcomes for individuals…

The Truth About Good…

When it comes to heart health, cholesterol is a topic that often surfaces in discussions. We have all heard about…

What an irregular heartbeat…

An irregular heartbeat during endurance activity, also known as exercise-induced arrhythmia, can be caused by a number of reasons. It's…